Privacy statement 

​ (“this website”) is maintained by Go Ahead Eagles. This privacy statement explains how Go Ahead Eagles handles the processing of personal data of visitors of the website. The privacy statement describes, among other things, which categories of personal data are collected, for what purpose the personal data is used and to which categories of recipients the personal data are provided.

Processing of personal data

Personal data means all data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. We process the following data:

- Basic data (your first and last name);

- Contact data (your email address and phone number); 

- Personal data you give to us when filling out an online form or a contact form;

- All other personal information you give to Go Ahead Eagles, for example when sending an email.

This data is collected when you submit a form on the website.

Goal of processing

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

- Preparing or performing the agreement you enter into with us;

- Providing you with the information you request;

- Complying with legal obligations.

We process your personal data based on one or more of the following legal grounds:

- Preparation or performance of an agreement;

- Compliance with a legal obligation;

- A legitimate interest;

- Provision of your consent.

​​Retention period

Go Ahead Eagles does not keep your personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy statement or to comply with laws and regulations.

Processors and other third parties 

Personal data can be processed on behalf of Go Ahead Eagles by so-called processors and sub-processors. The processors and sub-processors act under the responsibility of Go Ahead Eagles and are not allowed to carry out their own processing of the personal data. Your personal data will not be provided to other parties, with the exception of the parties as described in this privacy statement. Your personal data will also be provided to other parties if we are obliged to do so on the basis of the law or a court decision.

Your privacy rights

You have a number of rights based on the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: 'GDPR'). You have the right to request Go Ahead Eagles for access (art. 15 GDPR) and rectification (art. 16 GDPR) or deletion of your personal data (art. 17 GDPR). You also have the right to request Go Ahead Eagles to limit the processing of personal data (art. 18 GDPR). Under certain circumstances, you also have the right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR) and the right to object (Art. 21 GDPR). More information, about when it is possible to exercise one or more of these rights, can be found on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority. If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, you can contact us via the contact options mentioned below. 

Apart from the above rights, you always have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


If you are under the age of 16, one of your parents or your legal guardian must give permission for the processing of the personal data as set out in this privacy statement.


This privacy statement can be changed. It is therefore advisable to regularly consult this privacy statement. The current version of the privacy statement was last changed on 7-2-2023.

Contact details Go Ahead Eagles

The website and the personal data you leave on our website are managed by Go Ahead Eagles, Vetkampstraat 1a, 7416 WK in Deventer. For questions, comments or announcements about this Privacy Statement, please contact us at This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party websites that can be visited (via links) via this website.